MXQ Insight

MXQ Insight Product Line

Find out more about our product lines and the services we offer. For more details, please contact us!


MXQ Market Reports

Monthly reports tracking the price and market of recycled resins in Brazil and Latin America.


MXQ Market Outlook

Regional information on the resin production, consumption and recycling markets in Brazil and South America.


MXQ Market Index

Brazilian import and export data for the main resins, available on interactive dashboards. Find out which companies import into Brazil!

MXQ Market Report

MXQ Insight's monthly publication. It is a price indicator and source of information analyzing the chemical, petrochemical and plastic products markets in Brazil, Argentina and Latin America. As an example: MMR Resinas Recicladas Brasil presents detailed information on the prices of recycled resins and plastic scrap, trends, stocks and analysis of competitiveness in relation to first-use resins. To find out more about this product line, what they offer and demonstrations, contact us!


MMR Recycled Resins Brazil

Since 2014, this monthly report has tracked the prices of the main recycled resins and their variations in type and format sold. It also contains plastic scrap prices, price analysis by region in Brazil and an assessment of economic conditions. It includes an analysis of PE, PP, PET, PS and PVC.


MXQ Recycled Plastics LATAM

Report with a wide range of monthly price indicators in Latin America from 2022 onwards, currently monitoring the Brazilian, Argentinian, Colombian, Chilean and Mexican markets. Current and unbiased indicators across the entire production chain, from waste to recycled plastic, as well as an analysis of the main movements and trends in this market.

MXQ Market Outlook

It is a set of online services aimed at providing accurate and detailed information on the markets and businesses of the chemical industry in South America. It includes company data, supply-demand balances, market projections and trends. The information and analysis is presented through a dynamic and easily accessible BI. To find out more about this product line, what they offer and demonstrations, contact us!


MXQ Distributors Brazil

Dynamic map with more than 200 of the main distributors of chemical products in Brazil, with location, products sold and business segments.


MXQ Polyethylenes

Dynamic dashboard of the polyethylene market in South America. Interactive maps by resin type, with installed capacity by player, production, foreign trade and apparent consumption, by country and for the region as a whole.


MXQ Polypropylene

Dynamic dashboard on the polypropylene market in South America. Interactive maps with data on installed capacity, production, foreign trade, apparent consumption, by country and for the region as a whole.


MXQ Plastic Recyclers Brazil

A dynamic map with more than 800 of the main plastic recycling companies in Brazil, searchable by location and type of waste processed.


MXQ Recyclers LATAM

A dynamic map that highlights more than a thousand of the main plastic recycling companies in Latin America, allowing searches by location and the main types of waste processed.


MXQ Plastic Convertors Brazil

Dynamic map with over 2000 of the main plastics processors in Brazil. Data can be consulted by location (state and city), type of resin consumed, production process and markets.

MXQ Market Index

A dynamic and accurate BI for your business, with exclusive market information updated on a monthly basis. You'll also receive direct news on WhatsApp about the most important things happening in these markets. To find out more about this product line, what they offer and demonstrations, contact us!


MXQ Comex Polyethylenes Brazil

Monthly monitoring of Brazilian imports and exports of polyethylenes (LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE).


MXQ Comex Polypropylene Brazil

Monthly monitoring of Brazilian polypropylene (PP) imports and exports. Also find out the prices charged for imports.


MXQ Comex PVC Brazil

Monthly monitoring of Brazilian PVC imports and exports. Access to a detailed foreign trade dashboard and real-time market insights.


MXQ Comex ABS Brazil

Monthly monitoring of Brazilian ABS imports and exports. Access to a detailed foreign trade dashboard and real-time market insights.

MXQ Data

Dashboards and indicators for the main market categories. Information organized in one place with interactive dashboards and data compiled from the most reliable sources.


MXQ Energy

Interactive indicators and dashboards to understand the Brazilian and global energy sector.


MXQ Economy

Interactive indicators and dashboards on the Brazilian and world economy.


MXQ Market

Interactive indicators and dashboards to understand the Brazilian and global markets.

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